
A Really Big Blank Board

     I bought this ampersand gesso board 36" x 48" a few years back (when $$$ was more plentiful) and although I had a project idea in mind then I put off working on it (...esp. since lately mistakes & materials are more expensive for the budget than they used to be).  Well knowing me, instead of finishing some of my other projects I find interest in restarting this one.
I have to admit I envy the clean, white, blank state of this board---on those insomnia-full nights I wish I could exchange the sleep-depriving contents of my mind for such but I digress.
     Although the board comes with a gesso surface, I sprayed a few coats of Krylon Spray Gesso which seems to help grip and absorb the first few layers of paint a little better.  Next I trace some of my drawings (I worked on previously) and use these to come up with an arrangement to transfer to the board.

   And thus a beginning.  Now to figure out how to obtain enough paint to cover.  In case there is any future curiosity about my subject choices I took inspiration from a marble soda, 16th-19th century Indian Court paintings, the pelican, & Shiva's self-sacrifice in the Samudra Manthan (you can read about the latter here if interested Samudra Manthan ).
More to come.....

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