
Big Board continued

Had to take a break on the background... was getting pulled down by the undertow.


Missing work with charcoal

Seems like there are many paradoxical tasks we set for ourselves.
  Remember to Forget (or, if you'd rather...forget to remember).


With charcoal it seems that the type of paper/ground you work on often determines the effect of the results more than the medium itself.  I like working with it but I have yet to figure out how to get great detail on a smaller scale.  It usually erases easily so you can create highlights by "carving away" at it...but the one thing I dislike is how sometimes the oil from your fingers etc. (I think) will cause spots where the charcoal "stains" the paper and can't be removed. (Might be obvious but don't sneeze on your paper and expect to get great blending results.)