
When your subject makes a house-call

I first noticed this visitor in a tree outside my window on my b-day (hopefully not a ominous sign) and since then it appears he/she has decided to roost there for the nights off and onNot a great photo but it is the best my camera can do at a distance.  Despite their social stigma they really are graceful birds.  Love to watch them fly, plus they recycle.

It makes me wonder if could solicit a free critique of the pic from my last post by taking it outside and placing it by the tree?.....


Looking for beauty......or past it.

"Ugliness is in a way superior to beauty because it lasts." 
-(Serge Gainsbourg)

  I like this quote although I can't say I completely agree with it because not much of anything lasts.  It might seem like "ugly" lasts because for whatever reasons many of us don't spend too much time observing it.
Here is a project I started a little while back.  It may not be a favorable subject for some.  Here is the progression.

This unfortunate road crosser happened to end up along the side of the road in some debris where he/she went unnoticed for burial for a few weeks.  After getting used to encountering him/her along many a walk you could sense a presence (of the absence) of the critter that once was.  Although perhaps more sanitary, it was a little sad when someone finally removed him/her.....kinda like he/she died again.

Probably going to add a little more to this a little later on.   


Adding to the board

Design & Style......creating a stylized version of something is usually on the edge of my comfort zone.
Looking at many of the old Indian Court paintings I'd like to incorporate a background utilizing patterns and designs (without too much distraction from the subject).  I attempted to create some of my own simple patterns to add to the board.  Simple done well always seems complex.


Trying out colors with a little water mixable oils (a media oxymoron).
Going to take a long time to cover....